Streamlining the Image Process

Default avatar is w= 640, h= 903, resolution= 310

Agents, Pictured

Agents that have an accompanying portrait are typically main agents, though many supporting agents have portraits. They can be typically found through fair use platforms such as wikimedia commons. These portraits have artists and other metadata that should be specified in the agent creation page. The images should not be cropped in any way, but should represent the whole of the portrait, not just the face or other subject.

Subsequently, an object should be created for the portrait that is related to the agent(s) and their related tour stops. The creator should take this additional step until a UI update (might) enable the automatic creation of the portrait into an object in the agent creation page.

Agents, not Pictured

The agents that most often use the avatar are supporting agents. When the agent you are creating does not have an accompanying portrait, to the best of your knowledge and research, you must use an avatar. The male and female avatar indeed do not represent a range of genders, but until a gender non-specific avatar is created use your best judgement as to which avatar should be used for each agent.

To download these .jpgs through Box:

In the Shared Itinera dropbox, , (All files>>Shared Itinera>>Images>>Default Avatars) there are four files for avatars: one female and three male avatars. The beige and lilac .jpg are the ones available that are to be used. The other two images are not used at this time.

To download these .jpgs:

Default avatar, feminine

Default avatar, masculine