
The Socio-Technical Sustainability Roadmap is one of the deliverables from the NEH-funded project, “Sustaining MedArt,” that was housed from 2016-2018 in the University of Pittsburgh’s Visual Media Workshop (VMW). The purpose of Sustaining MedArt was to evaluate the current condition of the website “Images of Medieval Art and Architecture,” also known as MedArt, and to create a sustainability plan for the website’s future.

MedArt is a digital collection of images of medieval art and architecture photographed primarily by Dr. M. Alison Stones, now professor emerita at University of Pittsburgh, and her students. A project team comprised of Dr. Stones and her then-student Jane Vadnal began work on the website in 1995, the pioneering age of the internet, and intended to use it as a classroom tool. Soon, MedArt developed into a well-known and reputable site for images of medieval art and architecture that was utilized by academics all over the world.

Over time, MedArt was updated less and less frequently. When Dr. Stones retired in 2010, the Visual Media Workshop became the steward of the project, although Dr. Stones remains actively interested in its ongoing persistence. The purpose of the Sustaining MedArt grant was to determine the best way to sustain MedArt for the ongoing future. The final goal of the project was to create a digital sustainability roadmap for other developers and curators of digital projects to follow based on what we had discovered.

The result of our findings from the Sustaining MedArt project are what you see on this site now. By taking your project team through the modules in each of the units, you will be able to produce an effective ongoing sustainability strategy, or to assess the effectiveness of your current strategy. We recommend that you begin with the “Overview” section to get an idea of how to carry out a digital preservation workshop with your team.

If you would like to read the full report for the “Sustaining MedArt: The Impact of Socio-Technical Factors on Digital Preservation Strategies” as submitted to the NEH Office of Preservation and Access in Spring 2018, please do click this sentence.

If you would like to read the full report for the “Workshops on Sustainability for Digital Projects” as submitted to the NEH Office of Digital Humanities, please click this sentence.

STSR Project Team

Alison Langmead, Principal Investigator

Aisling Quigley, Project Manager (2016-2017)

Chelsea Gunn, Project Manager (2017-2018)

Sarah Conell, Research Associate

Lindsay Decker, Research Associate

Jedd Hakimi, Research Associate

Kiana Jones, Research Associate

Jacqueline Lombard, Research Associate

Suggested Citation Format

Visual Media Workshop at the University of Pittsburgh. The Socio-Technical Sustainability Roadmap. Accessed [MONTH DAY, YEAR]. http://sustainingdh.net.

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(Last updated January 2021)