Decomposing Bodies Bibliography

Readings, resources, and other documents related to Decomposing Bodies are maintained via the Decomposing Bodies Zotero library.

Decomposing Bodies Elsewhere on the Web

Signaletic InstructionsDecomposing Bodies on Constellations – Constellations is the blog for projects at the Department of Art and Architecture. Updates on the work being done on DB often appear here first.

Data (after)Lives: The Persistence of Encoded Memory –  The online exhibition for the Data (after)Lives show at the University Art Gallery, featuring images and works based on Bertillonage and the Decomposing Bodies dataset.

Decomposing Bodies Playground – The front-facing Omeka site for Decomposing Bodies is currently only accessibly on the University of Pittsburgh campus, but provides a peek at the cards and the corresponding data that makes up the project.